3rd Call for Applications for Wind Turbine Service Technician Program

The Wind Energy Industry is expanding rapidly in South Africa and in this fast growing industry numerous well trained staff, especially service technicians, is needed. Wind Turbine Service Technicians (WTST) are specialized in servicing and maintaining modern multi-megawatt wind turbine systems and are one of the key job-drivers for developing the renewable energy industry. The South African Renewable Energy Technology Centre (SARETEC) is the sole training provider in South Africa for this very specialised course and is now calling for applications for the next training course starting February 2017.

This February 2017 course is sponsored by the DANISH GOVERNMENT via the Department of Energy/SANEDI, as well with support from the GIZ and SARETEC. It should be noted that some costs, such as accommodation and living expenses, may vary and is ultimately the responsibility of the applicant, however upon successful application a possibility of a small stipend is possible.

For full details of the Application Form and Requirements, please see Appendix A and B that are attached.

All completed applications to be submitted electronically to medhurstj@cput.ac.za and by courier by 17 October 2016 to

The South African Renewable Energy Centre
c/o: Mrs J Medhurst
P O Box 1906, Bellville, 7535
Symphony Way, Bellville South Industrial, Cape Town, 7530
